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ZONE 6. Astronomy: the study of the Heavens

Understanding astronomy in the East and the West, and changes in concepts of the universe through the course of history

From the traces of astronomical equipment found in ancient ruins to the invention of the telescope, learn about the growth of modern astronomy and observation technologies. Follow the stories of mankind’s amazing achievements, and how keen we are to enter the realm of space exploration.
한국의 천문학 전시물 이미지

Astronomy in South Korea

Come and see a replica of CheomSeongDae, Korea’s ancient astronomical observatory, and peruse the ancient astronomical chart called CheonSangYeolChaBunYaJiDo. Discover how Korean astronomers of olden times located the stars and drew astronomical charts.

동북아시아의 천문학 전시물 이미지

Astronomy in Northeast Asia

Learn more about the study of astronomy in the neighboring countries of China and Japan, and compare them to history of astronomy in Korea.

고대인이 생각한 우주 전시물 이미지

The Universe as Seen by the Ancient World

Discover astronomy-related artifacts from around the world, and learn more about how the people of ancient times saw the heavens.

우주의 중심을 바꾼 천문학의 혁명자들 전시물 이미지

Astronomy Pioneers: Shifting the Center of the Universe

Meet the famous astronomers who rewrote the world’s view of astronomy.

동서양의 협력, 현대천체물리학 이미지

Collaboration between East & West: Modern Astrophysics

Astrophysics has continually evolved and advanced over time. Find out what it is and learn more about the growth of astrophysics in South Korea and its contribution to the world.

우리의 하늘 나의 별자리 전시물 이미지

My Sign in the Heavens

Find out about the Three Enclosures and the Twenty-eight Mansions of the East and the twelve zodiac signs of the West. Enter your gender and the month and day of your birth to find your zodiac sign.