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  • Hours

    9:00 - 18:00

    Tickets to exhibitions: can be purchased up to one hour before closing.
  • Closed

    The third Monday of the month


제주항공우주박물관 요금정보 표 - 구분에 따른 개인 요금정보로 구성
Category Target Group Discount*
Adults 19 years or older 9,000 7,000
Youth & Military person Between 13 years and 18 years, a soldier below the rank of sergeant,
Police, firefighters, and public service workers on duty
8,000 6,000
Children & Senior Between 3 years and 12years, older than 65 age 7,000 5,000
State guests and their attendants, a person who enters for the purpose of performing official duties,
an infant child(under 18months), a basic livehood recipient,
Severely disabled persons and one accompanying person,
Social Contribution and Volunteer Participants
Exemption from admission fees
(*Presentation of documentary evidence)
제주항공우주박물관 감경대상자 표
Persons eligible for admission fee reduction (*Presentation of documentary evidence)
Jeju residents Level 4 - 6 Disabled Persons Multi-child family
(2 children under 19 years of age or older)
A man of merit for independence, North Korean defector