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ZONE 4. Life-changing Aviation Technologies

Aviation Technologies in Daily Life

Aviation technology has brought significant changes and innovations to the future of aviation as well as to our lives and culture. See how cutting-edge aviation technologies are used in our daily lives as you explore the HUB, overhead display systems for cars, safety seats, and a wind-power generation system. Also, learn about the transformations that aircraft have undergone.
생활 속 항공기술 전시물 이미지

Aviation Technologies in Daily Life

Discover the latest aviation equipment made with the newest materials, made possible by aviation technologies.

비행기의 구조 전시물 이미지

Internal Structure of F-5E

The F-5E fighter developed by Northrop in the U.S. was developed as an improved version of the same model, the F-5AD. It is operated in 25 countries around the world including Korea, Taiwan, Switzerland, and Spain.

비행기의 구조 전시물 이미지

Aircraft Structure

You can know the structure and materials of the airplane.

미래의 항공 전시물 이미지

Aviation of the Future

Take a peek into the future that unravels large passenger aircraft, hypersonic aircraft, environmentally-friendly aircraft and unmanned aircraft.

첨단 항공기와 민항기 전시물 이미지

Cutting-edge Military Aircraft and Aircraft for Civilian Purposes

Come and see models of cutting-edge military and civil aircraft.

첨단 항공기와 민항기 전시물 이미지

Cutting-edge Military Aircraft and Aircraft for Civilian Purposes

Come and see models of cutting-edge military and civil aircraft.